Microbial promoter, biostimulant and regulator of the natural defenses of the plant.
Contains selected biofertilizing probiotics that revitalize the beneficial microbiota of soils, promote the development of crops and stimulate their defenses.
Contact for more infoWhat are the advantages
- Improvement of plant bionutrition regulated by rhizospheric probiotics.
- Biostimulant effect on plant: increases its growth, development and vigor.
- Induces and regulates the plant defenses.
- Improves the microbiota and soil biological fertility
- Selected microorganisms that respect the environment and regenerate soil biological activity.
- Authorized in Organic Agriculture (certification Sohiscert nº MA434PAE).
- Ease of handling, reduced doses and versatility of application: soil (fertigation) and foliar (broadcast and localized) applications, seed treatment, covering of granulated fertilizers, mixtures with liquid fertilizers, etc.
- Good compatibility with most commonly used fertilizer and agrochemical. Consult the Technical Department for more information.
Presentation: wettable powder (WP)
Packaging: 500 g.
The strains used in Ultralev are stored in international crop-type culture collections, safeguarding the know-how developed by Ceres Biotics. This also ensures traceability and security.
Proven efficacy for your crops – Our experience
Ultralev is used in all kinds of crops (annual, horticultural, orchard, etc.) and under different agronomic conditions.
The PGP (Plant Growth Promoting) action shown by some of Ultralev’s probiotics has been scientifically proven in our laboratories using a battery of highly reliable microbiological analyses.
Nutrient solubilization assay
The microorganisms used for Ultralev formulation generate a potassium solubilization halo around each strain. The photograph shows the yellow solubilization halo created by the available potassium around the strain. This is possible because of the release of organic and inorganic acids and also certain extracellular polymers that release the nutrients and make them available to plants.
Efficacy trials
Field trials show that the application of Ultralev increases the microbial populations of the rhizosphere in pepper crop compared to control treatment (conventional fertilization). This increase in soil beneficial microbiota shows an improvement in soil biological health and contribute to soil regeneration.