Microbioma Forum sponsor

Ceres Biotics participation in the I International Microorganisms Forum with the presentation “Technological vanguard in biofertilization and biostimulation: endophytic microorganisms”.

Mónica Perdices, R&D Director, presented endophytic microorganisms of Ceres Biotics in the First Microbioma Forum that took place on 29th and 30th of May at El Batel in Cartagena. During the presentation, she summarized the challenges presented by current agriculture and for which Ceres Biotics moves towards more sustainable practices.

In order to reduce the environmental impact, the constant loss of biodiversity and soil health, the Ceres Biotics solution goes through the research, development and commercialization of biofertilizers and biostimulants from endophytic probiotics. These microorganisms are part of the plant microbiome. They are installed in the interior of the crops and provide direct benefits to the plant either by an increase in the nutrient assimilation, especially nitrogen, or biostimulant action.

After the two-day forum, with nearly 1,000 attendees, the importance of microorganisms in agriculture and in particular endophytic probiotics became clear. We have a long way to know and discover

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